To The Depressed People, It’s Time To Finally Love Yourself

How do you fight to stay alive when your brain is telling you to kill yourself? You really don’t know where your mind is stuck but you don’t want to get out of it. You sink deeper under the covers.

People welcome you with open arms, but you all feel it so wrong. In your mind, you are worthless, love is the last thing you deserve to feel.


You need self-love. I am not saying it is easy to love own self, but it is far important. You fight a battle every day of your life. It sucks when you have every possible reason to be happy, but you deliberately choose anxiety to overpower you.

You should know that your life does matter you are alive and that is the biggest achievement of the moment.

You gave upon your jittery feelings to control you and the same time you want to overcome it. You hardly find the off button of your thoughts. You think about the things that don’t even belong to you.

You should know that your life does matter you are alive and that is the biggest achievement of the moment.


Even you made a mistake you deserve a forgiveness, even you fail somewhere, you deserve a second chance, even you lose everything in life, you still deserve to be loved and happy. Life is more valuable than you think. No matter what mental state you are going through, always remember, your life is bigger than any mistake, any failure, and any regret.


If you are alive everything that belongs to you will be alive, don’t be so hard on yourself, don’t think that you don’t deserve the greatest creation of the universe. I know you have so many reasons to feel depressed, to be sad, but one thing that connects you to this universe is only you. The moment you feel your breathing, you are alive, you are blessed, you are here to deal with any problem any circumstance.

Don’t give up. Because someone will fall apart if you leave this world. Someone will never forgive themselves. Your presence does matter.

Quit the job. Break up with the person you can’t stand with. Take a break from everything. Life is unpredictable but it’s beautiful. Tell someone. Reach. Hold their hand.


Don’t sit alone, get busy in something. Tell someone how you are feeling, what is running inside your head. Choose to get better and then get out in the world again and kick ass.

No matter what mental state you are going through, always remember, your life is bigger than any mistake, any failure, and any regret.

Don’t think that something is wrong with you. You can’t seem to find happiness when you seek to fix something within you. You are not nearly as messed up as you have decided you are. Stop judging yourself. Don’t always try to get through your thick skull.

It’s ok you hurt someone you always need not be perfect, good enough for everything. Just be yourself. It’s ok if you are unaware of your feelings you don’t know either smile or weep.


No matter you are wrong or right. No matter what you are, no matter how you feel, joy is possible. Guilt, shame, and inadequacy seem worthless once you accept who you are.

You are the greatest gift, a contribution to this world, your place is defined you just need to find it. It’s time to love yourself.


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